Level 39
to level 40


I eat my own jizz on the weekends
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doesnt respect flags asshole
dragonfly500 on Tuesday January 13, 2009
Still think he is one of the best players. Nice to play with him.
pityu on Sunday January 11, 2009
Ok seriously, when i look at my reviews ur long as one is an eyesore, and its basically old news to me now, so pls change it
Reatsu on Sunday January 11, 2009
Good player, knows exactly what's going on and what he's battling for.
Cloud8 on Wednesday January 7, 2009
Nice guy, good fair player - KDice needs more like him
Legface Backshot on Wednesday January 7, 2009
unfair player
KDicer X on Thursday January 1, 2009
good player, good sport. went from battling for second to an unfortunate fifth place finish without any complaints.
botch on Thursday January 1, 2009
fucking cocksucker motherfucker cunt
ram da on Wednesday December 31, 2008
Very fair player, and very nice. One of the better kdice players I've played against. Always seems to do well in the games. Good luck, SilentSyllogism.
snmlmz on Wednesday December 24, 2008
Watch out. This one probably tries to have a silent truce with someone. I might even be you. Skilled player.
MadWilly on Sunday December 14, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary