
As players, what do you want from KDice?
Posted By: MadHat_Sam at 4:38 PM, Monday August 8, 2011 EDT
*This is not a discussion of mechanical changes you would like, read the Notes at the end before commenting please*
As has been discussed ad nauseum, us moderators have limited power and limited tools to punish players for transgressions or to encourage fair play. This isn't a post looking to continue that discussion.

As players what do you want from each other, from the game and from the moderators?

I have done my best to be a passive admin, since that is how I prefer administration of games and forums to be. I am never offended myself by the words of others although I may be disappointed by them for a variety of reasons so I often don't act when people are being politically incorrect. As individuals I don't have much actual animosity towards people here, although I often express displeasure with how people play, most often that is MadHat_Sam the player talking though not the moderator.

As players You/We/I look to the higher authorities to fix the game, to solve problems be it trying to get a moderator to ban someone or Ryan to fix some bug or issue. If this avenue worked that would be fine, but it has been obvious that appealing to authority does nothing to advance KDice, so I put this to you players, why look above instead of looking around?

Self policing each other instead of wanting moderators to solve the problems. This is a social game and applying social pressure to people that care about the game will always be more effective then hoping some authority solves the problem.

You don't like how Player A and Player B play with each other, PGA/OTF etc..., next time you sit at a game rally the board to kill them in round 1. Sure posting in the forums and writing reviews can help, especially at the lower levels but that isn't the only action to take.

The solution to most of the games problems doesn't just fall at the feet of moderators or Ryan, it is on you all as players.

When rnd formed the cabal to help win trophies Ryan wasn't the person that prevented him from doing so, the rest of the players were. Forming an-anti cabal and doing their best to take him down. The relationships and bonds players formed and care for competitive games carried KDice through 5 significant scoring changes in less than a year between August of 2007 and March of 2008. The 2k elo community spread from what it was to create a larger and more vibrant player base the thrived until the last year or so when game play has began to stagnate.

You can fix that, by changing how you play and changing the type of boring stagnant game play that is fostered in KDice.

So what do you want as players. Do you want totalitarian moderation that would be severe and arbitrary? Because the tone of the last few days seems to imply that. Or do you want to take some responsibility on to you the players and try to force change on a more meta and social level? On a level that might create more positive change and a better game.

So what do you want?

-Monte sorry for simplifying KHistory, please refrain from posting a correction here and feel free to write a separate forum post to illuminate my ignorance.
-Wanting better tools for moderators, different game mechanics and more action from Ryan is great, but doesn't really do much to further the game as that point has been beat to death.

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Gurgi wrote
at 1:09 AM, Saturday July 23, 2011 EDT


Troy11 wrote
at 6:05 AM, Saturday July 23, 2011 EDT
-forum edit button
-team games/ 3 on 3
- letting mods ip ban/reseting wouldnt be fair because ryan is on often enough to do that
-video replays, i think having every replay done being recorded and cycled would take too much bandwidth but :

letting a player select a replay and saving or favouriting it into thier profile would be neat, eaiser for mods to determine cheaters

(nuke hack ) (pga stuff ) or to post an exciting match. that being said, 3 slots should be more then enough
niggler22 wrote
at 11:55 PM, Saturday July 23, 2011 EDT
I also want to second what Lager said. Lower the max table point limits and the 2k/5k game will immediately improve.
TheBetterYodel wrote
at 12:02 AM, Sunday July 24, 2011 EDT
Lower the 500 and 2k table max and ban OTF as if it were PGA.

Keep enforcing the harassment and hate speech because in the end the nicer atmosphere will bring newer players into the fold instead of alienating them with acids farts forcefully injected into their nose.
at 2:14 PM, Sunday July 24, 2011 EDT
banning language and such just alienates people from that site. being super strict just alienates people. this site is dying for two reasons: the above that yodel described and ryan's negligence.

OTF=PGA but treating it as such means a few mods would have to ban themselves, I think this recent slew of bannings was basically banning for hard OTFs. Which is a different discussion, but the game needs a mechanic change to solve this issue frankly - or just no moderation whatsoever.
pooch723 wrote
at 9:27 PM, Monday July 25, 2011 EDT
The only thing that really pops into my head is kinda what jurgen said. Add a few "temp" mods, meaning people who are here, don't really play a whole lot and just float around looking into games. Yes, there are some PGA and OTF around, but this is suppose to be a social site from what is being repeated to me over and over. I do think, pga should be only called if they is absolutely 100% proof from the remainder of the players sitting. OTF well, that you really can't judge anything because it's hard to play in the first place that way. Anywyas, just lets all try and have fun together and even though it might be a competition each month, there should always try and be a fun aspect.

Yes, to all those whose might have me whining in their opinions define to me what you would considered to be "asking"...I would really love to know that in accomplishing something that I need to know to survive here, thanks Leo aka Pooch
montecarlo wrote
at 7:01 AM, Tuesday July 26, 2011 EDT
hello people, read sams post. there is a MASSIVE premise that he is basing this whole post on: given the fact that Ryan prob wont code new tools, whether the mods or for the community at large, THEN how can we make kdice a better place, specificall, how can the users themselves make it better (not just the mods).

however, it seems a lot of yall are reading this as: how can kdice be improved? and then we get all the usual suggestions which mostly assume that Ryan will code a lot of extras.

so lets stop with the suggestions that require Ryan, and keep to what sam is asking.
Emirates wrote
at 7:34 AM, Tuesday July 26, 2011 EDT
Better delete the players teaming up every games on +500s. But you will loose, 15 top 100s players sharing 60 top 100s accounts, with that! Depends what you want. Think the train has gone anyway, and mods can not change it, bans do not fix the problem.
K8Dice wrote
at 4:22 PM, Wednesday July 27, 2011 EDT
I agree with monte. This is not pointing fingers at the mods or Ryan. This is what can we do as a COMMUNITY OF PLAYERS to make this game more fun?

I think vflagging and weak flagging style of play should change. There are real flags for a reason. Also I know I'm guilty of this too, but in all honesty if you get wiped out because of a good move so what if you lost some points?

Back in the day we used to compliment each other for good game play and great strategic moves. That rarely happens anymore.
at 6:49 PM, Wednesday July 27, 2011 EDT
Not sure who you've been pgaing Kate but people still compliment you on good moves and such.

Btw congrats on modship Monte.

Also I think the point of the thread is what the community can do and I think the mods need to be less strict. Otherwise you're going to end up with a lot of smug and pissed off people. It was better when you just got pge'd for a game or two or verbally berated like yodel would do.
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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