
the 10 mile walk to success
detenmile wrote
at 4:29 AM, Thursday June 5, 2008 EDT
this is a short and easy guide to become a more successful kdice player.

Step 1. Get to know the people your playing with. its a social game never forget that

Step 2. Really suck up to the people that are good at the game. they will sometimes let you finish 2nd

Step 3. if anybody attacks you post a fiery and completely false and accusative comment on their profile. (see BlueLineKing7 hes an expert at this)

Step 4. Start every game with a greeting of some sort. the best one ive heard so fare is "Hello GLA i would like to flag second if possible"

Step 5. never 5v3 it never works. ever.

Step 6. remember to do your daily sacrifice to the Dice gods. (I talked to them their favorite sacrifices are goats, emus, and Chuck Norris, but be warned as a sacrifice of a puppy well most likely get you bad rolls for all eternity)

Step 7. get a puppy pic for your avatar. this pleases the Dice gods as puppies are very cute. (if you have an emu, Goat, or Chuck Norris as your Pic, sacrifice your avatar to the gods and get a brand new puppy avatar).

Step 8. if you wanna get points really fast just buy them. everything/body has a price.

Step 9. create several alternate accounts so when you make too many enemies on one you can just go to the next one and start the vicious cycle of pissing the world off 6 people at a time all over again.

Step 10. Green ALWAYS wins and teal Alway gets PGEd for making the rest of the table wait to play. (its true just ask DiceyGirl)

Step 11. Get a membership, this pleases the dice gods (especially Ryan), and will cause you to have higher rolls

well i hope you all have learned something from my guide to excellence if you follow this step to the letter then i guarantee you will gain at least 5000 points (step 8 2500 for membership and 2500 for star) Cheers mates.

5 people think this is a good idea

Replies 1 - 9 of 9
lovekdicetodeath wrote
at 11:52 PM, Sunday June 8, 2008 EDT
is this a joke?
detenmile wrote
at 12:30 AM, Monday June 9, 2008 EDT
love2death r u retarded?
captainLAGER wrote
at 4:47 PM, Wednesday September 24, 2008 EDT
this is the worst advice ever.
4/4 wrote
at 9:32 PM, Monday October 27, 2008 EDT
Tried to rip everyones guides off and make it funny it didn't work
Homer Simmpson wrote
at 5:10 AM, Saturday November 22, 2008 EST
i think rule 7 is catching on
kam|k2 wrote
at 8:08 AM, Saturday November 22, 2008 EST
@deten: try next time, if youre so fuckin bored ;>
portsomerdale wrote
at 3:33 AM, Sunday March 27, 2011 EDT
I was intrigued after first 2 steps then 3-4 got really gay......then gayer....then gayer....ect ect
portsomerdale wrote
at 3:35 AM, Sunday March 27, 2011 EDT
But step nine is by far the gayest......I love enemies and love their challenge...Often times enemies will act stupid out of spite......Anybody who has more then 1 account for this reason is a pure bitch and a dumbass who has no stragety!!!!!!!!!!!!
portsomerdale wrote
at 3:36 AM, Sunday March 27, 2011 EDT
LOL....LOL.....LOL at homer's comment
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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