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lol, hardcore
Created on Wednesday May 8, 2013
2012-08-02 mattZ (also known as Tazy, also known as SOBERKUSHED) is still a proud chat jerk and cheater. SO proud, in fact, that he reminded me of who he was and what he had done to be a chat jerk. I had no memory of him, but he REALLY wanted me to know who HE was. THAT is just the affect I want to have on all these chat jerks I deal with: I want them to REMEMBER me--and they do. That is their sense of shame kicking in, and shame is the first step on their road to recovery, on their road away from being chat jerks. It is true that very few will bother to NOT be chat jerks, but we 97%ers can hope that those 3%ers change their ways. All chat below is verbatim as always. SOBERKUSHED/Tazy is teal, I am yellow. ++ ++++++++ SOBERKUSHED: 3.14 ########## [Note: mattZ/Tazy/SOBERKUSHED re-introduces himself to me.] ---------- SOBERKUSHED: i still have those 3 top 3 medals ---------- SOBERKUSHED: remember me? ---------- 3.14159: vaguely--are you another chat jerk? ---------- 3.14159: there have been so many ---------- 3.14159: hard to keep track ---------- 3.14159: if not, welcome! ---------- SOBERKUSHED: lol well ---------- SOBERKUSHED: you think i was on one of my alts ########## [Note: See how humble he is? "You" think I was. It doesn't take long for Tazy/SOBERKUSHED to prove that he is still a chat jerk.] ---------- SOBERKUSHED: Tazy ---------- 3.14159: still nothing, sorry ---------- SOBERKUSHED: i was reading the reviews yesterday ---------- uber_meister: damn ---------- SOBERKUSHED: and you had posted one ---------- uber_meister: damn damn ---------- Bobuck12.34: sry uber ---------- uber_meister: i'll close my eyes ---------- uber_meister: np ---------- Bobuck12.34: watch... i'l prolly lose ---------- 3.14159: posted one on Tazy? ---------- SOBERKUSHED: yah ---------- SOBERKUSHED: how did i fucking know blue would do that after i hit purple for him ########## ---------- SOBERKUSHED: dumb fucker ########## ---------- uber_meister: not exactly the restack i intended ---------- 3.14159: yep, SOBERKUSHED, you are STILL a chat jerk ---------- Bobuck12.34: who's your main main, teal? ########## ---------- 3.14159: as expected ---------- SOBERKUSHED: mattz ########## ---------- Bobuck12.34: ah ---------- Bobuck12.34: howdy ---------- SOBERKUSHED: sup ---------- SOBERKUSHED: man, i can't get past the 0 tables on an alt ---------- uber_meister: god teal is lucky ---------- SOBERKUSHED: lucky but unlucky at the same time ---------- Bobuck12.34: oh ffs ---------- SOBERKUSHED: sorry ---------- SOBERKUSHED: i shouldnt even be attacking you purple ########## [Note: Remember this when mattZ/Tazy/SOBER... whines and cries about silent truces later.] ---------- uber_meister: oh well ---------- uber_meister: gl ---------- SOBERKUSHED: you're the only one that's not attacking me ---------- SOBERKUSHED: lol ---------- Bobuck12.34: its not ur attacks, its the damn restacking ---------- Bobuck12.34: i think there's a real relationship b/w level and luck ---------- SOBERKUSHED: yeah ---------- SOBERKUSHED: for sure ---------- SOBERKUSHED: on mattz ---------- SOBERKUSHED: after i get a top 3 ########## [Note: Woah! This chat jerk finishes in the Top 3! Wow! And regularly, he implies! We are SO impressed by this information he casually dropped in.] ---------- SOBERKUSHED: the luck is horrible for like the nesxt 3 months ---------- SOBERKUSHED: lol ---------- SOBERKUSHED: all pge on me ########## [Note: The chat jerk starts his whining and crying. "How can people be so cruel to me?" he whines. "I am just a rude chat jerk. How does that deserve this kind of treatment?" So pathetic, but that is mattZ/Tazy/SOBERKUSHED for you.] ---------- 3.14159: brown is pge against you? why? ---------- SOBERKUSHED: damn purp ---------- SOBERKUSHED: you have some bad luck :( ---------- SOBERKUSHED: boom 41 ---------- SOBERKUSHED: holy fuck you're lucky ########## ---------- 3.14159: really? thanks ---------- 3.14159: you aren't ---------- SOBERKUSHED: obviously ########## [Note: YES! Passive/aggressive whining! I win the chat game again!] ---------- 3.14159: now that just seemed stupid, right? ---------- 3.14159: oh, you are giving up? ---------- SOBERKUSHED: why would i waste time keep trying ########## [Note: Why would he keep being a chat jerk? Why would he waste time with THAT?] ---------- 3.14159: what? ---------- SOBERKUSHED: when you're obviousuly pgaing brown ---------- Bobuck12.34: even 3rd isn't worth the points ########## [Note: Says the so-called Top 3 player who is playing an alt on a 0 table. What a foolish child he is.] ---------- SOBERKUSHED: on a fucking 0 table ########## SOBERKUSHED: lul ---------- SOBERKUSHED: either that or ---------- SOBERKUSHED: he's just retarded as fuck ########## ---------- 3.14159: do you know what PGA means, you fool? ---------- SOBERKUSHED: i do ---------- 3.14159: PRE-game alliance ---------- 3.14159: idiot ---------- SOBERKUSHED: he hasn't attacked you ONE time in which he OBVIOUSLY should have many times ---------- 3.14159: PRE-game, dolt ---------- SOBERKUSHED: yes, pga means pre game alliance ---------- SOBERKUSHED: that's exactly what it is ---------- 3.14159: PRE--where is the PRE part, imbecile? ---------- SOBERKUSHED: unless you two became great ass buddies this game and i just missed the part where you two even said a word to eachother ########## [Note: mattZ/Tazy/SOBERKUSHED is so stupid he doesn't realize that being a chat jerk makes people want to get rid of him. What an idiot with no introspection at all.] ---------- BoneApart: mutual respect ---------- 3.14159: teal has never heard of unspoken truces? what a liar ---------- SOBERKUSHED: lmao ---------- 3.14159: lol ---------- 3.14159: rofl ---------- 3.14159: lmao ---------- SOBERKUSHED: silent truces ---------- 3.14159: pick one, you idiot ---------- SOBERKUSHED: yes, i've heard of it ---------- 3.14159: YES! you got it! ---------- 3.14159: finally ---------- 3.14159: took you long enough ---------- SOBERKUSHED: but i know how to look for that ---------- SOBERKUSHED: and that was definitely not a silent truce ########## [Note: "Definitely"! How embarrassing for mattZ.] ---------- 3.14159: you do? you have that going for you ---------- SOBERKUSHED: your buddy just said it was mutual respect ---------- SOBERKUSHED: you can call it whatever you wantt ---------- SOBERKUSHED: pga ---------- SOBERKUSHED: mutual respect ---------- 3.14159: keep crying, SOBER--i LOVE it ---------- 3.14159: whine some more ---------- SOBERKUSHED: it obviously means you've talked to eachother before this game ########## ---------- SOBERKUSHED: and favor eachother every game ########## ---------- 3.14159: "obviously"!!!!! ---------- SOBERKUSHED: just simply calling you two out on it ########## [Note: Trying to deflect from his chat jerk embarrassment is more like it.] ---------- 3.14159: what a fool and liar and chat jerk you are ---------- SOBERKUSHED: i'm not upset at all ---------- BoneApart: yell nice play and nice fighting against teal ---------- 3.14159: cry and whine ---------- 3.14159: i LOVE it ---------- BoneApart: you can have first ---------- SOBERKUSHED: hahaha ---------- SOBERKUSHED: i love it too ---------- SOBERKUSHED: but the funny thing is ---------- SOBERKUSHED: you think i'm all pissed off ---------- 3.14159: yes, i know you like to whine and cry ---------- SOBERKUSHED: and im really not ---------- SOBERKUSHED: haha ---------- 3.14159: you LOVE it ---------- 3.14159: i don't care if you are or not ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++ ++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ Tazy is a cheater (see how he has been modded by the community for using proxies) and still has the web boy niblets to drop in and insult people on the ZERO TABLES. Tazy is a lost soul who needs help or a sociopath with no hope of redemption. If he is just a lost soul he must first learn to be honest (STOP USING PROXIES YOU CHEATER!) and then learn humility. The anonymity of the Internet may just be more than Tazy can handle. Chat below is verbatim as always. I am teal. ++++++++++ Tazy is here [Note: Tazy is not playing in our game. He just drops in and reveals his lack of wisdom.] ---------- Tazy: lol@teal and red ---------- 3.14159: really? out LOUD? hard to believe ---------- Tazy: are you two truced or something? ---------- Tazy: or are you just retarded as hell? [Note: Asks the cheater, Tazy.] ---------- 3.14159: you are new to Kdice are you? ---------- Tazy: no ---------- 3.14159: or just not very bright? ---------- Tazy: i've won 3 top 3 medals [Note: "3 top 3 medals" under a different name, of course. It just shows that cheating does help you win at Kdice because there is no way a web boy like Tazy could win any other way than cheating.] ---------- Tazy: oh ---------- 3.14159: ooooo--3 top 3 medals! ---------- Tazy: woops ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- Tazy: this is a 0 table ---------- 3.14159: WOW ---------- Tazy: that explains it ---------- 3.14159: medals and everything ---------- Tazy has left ++++++++++ Under the name Tazy we see one medal (or trophy) for 53rd place. Some other name must have the "3 top 3 medals" Tazy was bragging about--unless he is a liar, too.
3.14159 on Thursday August 2, 2012
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KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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