Level 38
to level 39

Riddick Starman

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no me dejas jugar actuando como un gilipoyas de 1st dictador. te dije q te volveria a ver por aqui y q asi sea...
Henrik on Wednesday June 19, 2013
real piece of shit. big time liar. he stabbed me in the 100 nightly. too stupid to know everyone was watching and was weeded out tourney style of the next 2 rounds.
BigDaddyKane on Friday April 26, 2013
will fuck you over for dom if given the chance
orgi on Wednesday April 24, 2013
PGA with Fenix5 and aminal
Lady Lite on Thursday April 18, 2013
PGA with ECTb_KTO and Fenix5
kalande on Wednesday April 17, 2013
complete fool
Help, I'm a rock on Sunday April 14, 2013
he is good player
przon on Friday April 12, 2013
A good solid player who you can trust
Migsy on Thursday April 11, 2013
PGA wiht Fennix5 and aminal
Prof Chaos on Wednesday April 10, 2013
Nice Guy, its nice to play with you :)
Mike93 on Wednesday April 3, 2013
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KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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