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Emin Sert on Friday March 25, 2011
likes to mob decent nice and polite players ^^
mimicri on Thursday March 24, 2011
2011-03-24 jadeyBby crawls out of the muck long enough to scrawl the following in chat. ++++++++++ oakcliff: Reading the chat, jadeyBby is obviously a simpleton. jadeyBby needs to read more books, study harder, learn to write, and then try again. To paraphrase 'Animal House,' fat, jerky, and stupid is no way to go through life, jadeyBby................ Daggers: lol what?............... oakcliff: just remembering what jadeyBby represents............... oakcliff: the decline of the West............... Rhino12: he dont like u much jadey............... oakcliff: i don't care about jadey at all............... Daggers: the decline of the west?............... oakcliff: just another web boy to me............... jadeyBby: haha hes got a summit against my bf the fucking weirdo i dont even no him just that hes fun to bug............... oakcliff: can you speak english?............... jadeyBby: no gf............... jadeyBby: yes............... oakcliff: thought not............... jadeyBby: lmao ur sooo fun............... oakcliff: you are dreary............... jadeyBby: ye ur sooo not bovered at all............... oakcliff: not at all............... oakcliff: web boys are always there like the sewers............... jadeyBby: ye ur making it pretty clear u are............... jadeyBby: na female [email protected] f.book me............... oakcliff: i don't worry about the sewers existing--neither do i worry about you existing--you are part of the landscape............... jadeyBby: needy freak.... ............... oakcliff: web boy............... oakcliff: read a good book--read ONE book in your life, then you might know something............... jadeyBby: lol............... Daggers: If she couldnt read she wouldn't be able to communicate with us here............... jadeyBby: just because i dont choose to write in proper english doesnt mean to say i dont no it lol ur sooo thick............... oakcliff: she reads facebook NOT books............... jadeyBby: lol............... oakcliff: you don't "no" it or "know" it?............... Daggers: but you learn to read............... Daggers: by reading books............... oakcliff: which do you think it is?............... Daggers: so your logic is flawed............... oakcliff: no or know?............... oakcliff: any idea?............... oakcliff: no?............... jadeyBby: my bf bullys him bless............... oakcliff: no problem--keep on existing............... oakcliff: we will always have your type and always will............... jadeyBby: awww poor oakcliff someone give him a hug before he crys............... oakcliff: dreary............... oakcliff: pathetic and dreary ++++++++++ 2010-12-16 Another web boy and chat jerk. Here is the chat... ++++++++++ oakcliff: yeah yeah--you lost that game already ---------- jadeyBby: and yellow too ---------- Beckett: im up for flags :) ---------- oakcliff: the phony, over the top cussing--old and fading ---------- allonso20: k ---------- Beckett: ty ---------- allonso20: np ---------- ikehole: oakcliff what? im just remember the good old days with you buddy ---------- jadeyBby: lol ---------- oakcliff: still trying to play the game you lost ---------- oakcliff: too late for that ---------- ikehole: good good ---------- ikehole: you should never give up ---------- oakcliff: honor, justice, and wisdom will out ---------- jadeyBby: teal ur shit u got no room to talk ---------- allonso20: lol ---------- jadeyBby: hahah ---------- oakcliff: blue [jadeyBby is blue], uh, you don't have enough points for this ---------- oakcliff: give up ---------- oakcliff: yes? ---------- oakcliff: anything? ---------- oakcliff: we'll wait ---------- jadeyBby: dont even try telling me wot to do i lasted longer than u ---------- jadeyBby: shhhhhhhhhhhhh ---------- oakcliff: blue, you don't have enough IQ points for this--give up ---------- ikehole: shut the hell up oakcliff ---------- oakcliff: keep trying ---------- oakcliff: you lost that game already ---------- ikehole: if you wanted to be a better person you would stop insulting other people ---------- oakcliff: try a new one ---------- ikehole: that's all im saying buddy ---------- oakcliff: i just let chat jerks know that they are chat jerks ---------- oakcliff: no big deal ---------- oakcliff: and let them live with their own words ---------- oakcliff: no big deal ---------- jadeyBby: shut ur face ---------- ikehole: hahaha ---------- oakcliff: pathetic--as always ---------- ikehole: oakcliff you have not changed ---------- jadeyBby: yes aint u just ---------- oakcliff: web boys and chat jerks--they will always be with us ---------- jadeyBby: am a GIRL ---------- ikehole: keep up the good work my old kdice fan ---------- oakcliff: the question is, do we want more of them or less of them ---------- oakcliff: females and males who are web boys are web boys ---------- oakcliff: web boys is a gender neutral term ---------- jadeyBby: i want that hole in ur face to shut forever ---------- oakcliff: pathetic--as always ++++++++++ Reading the chat, jadeyBby is obviously a simpleton. jadeyBby needs to read more books, study harder, learn to write, and then try again. To paraphrase 'Animal House,' fat, jerky, and stupid is no way to go through life, jadeyBby.
oakcliff on Thursday March 24, 2011
terrible player
dahlin_351 on Wednesday March 23, 2011
traceur on Monday March 21, 2011
Disrespectful. Rude. Attacking people for no reason after their flags are up.
Weaslshark on Friday December 17, 2010
PGA with flix.... horrible player
swissmiss on Tuesday December 7, 2010
A beast he knows wat he is doing dont make him mad and very intelligent; he isnt quiet but he is freindly and has made alota people mad
Lord Titus on Thursday March 11, 2010
MISSION 6 on Tuesday December 29, 2009
hey cutie. have a facebook? the name's Roman Langrock.
Samurai Langrock on Wednesday December 23, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary