Level 57
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typical douche bag has great reviews read them they will tell ya what type of idiot this guy is.
flawlezz on Tuesday June 17, 2008
doesn't respect flags or other players, he isn't very cool or very fun to play with. seriously how hard is it to show some respect and respect a flag?
adtsm on Friday June 6, 2008
i flagged and wanted to reconnect my islands.. for fighting with another players. i tryed to recconect and then he sayed no and i stopped. and then he killed me because of nothing, i stopped atacking him and he waited for being strong and kill me. then he said thet it because i dont respect him, and just because i tryed to reconnect and i understood that he dont want so i stopped. dont respect flag and worst player.
yifati on Saturday May 31, 2008
Eregost: i was in the same game as you speak of there, and he sure respected my flag. He didnt respect you calling him a point farmer cause he made a missclick on me. And the noob calling started after you told him to suck your balls as you explained me just after the game. Dont see any reason to make a HUGE thing out of this.
Iumentum on Saturday May 31, 2008
Does not respect flags. Calls people noobs all the time. He farms domination points off everyone when he is winning. Watch out for him and kill him as soon as possible to prevent him getting stronger.
Eregost on Saturday May 31, 2008
Worst player, doesn't respect flags at all.
Meg420 on Friday May 30, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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