Level 68
to level 69


I'm good in the stack.
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bad language in forums -post Ryan 8:16 PM, Tuesday November 18, 2008 EST

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Dicey. Used to play you when you were playing on the 1800 tables in July/August. You were on of the funniest and coolest people back then. Good luck, hope you win this month!
Billy Smith on Tuesday April 22, 2008
Damn Dicey....you left me a negative note. And I dig you. Not sure what I done to get on your bad side but I hope I can change your mind. Anyway just wanted to say I've played with Dicey several times and she seems to be a very fair player who always seems to be in the mix for the win. She keeps you entertained with her witty banter and she looks good to boot....lol. Take care.
Mudshovel on Sunday April 20, 2008
Damn Dicey....you left me a bad note....I'm disappointed about that cause I was kind of diggin' you. I think you're an excellent player that seems to be very fair anytime i've been in the room with you. Not sure what I done to get on your bad side. Anyway until you do something bad to me I still dig ya. I enjoy the way you play and the way you chat back and forth with witty banter when you play. Hope I can get back on your good side. Take care.
Mudshovel on Sunday April 20, 2008
clarkebar on Sunday April 20, 2008
Second best chick on the Kdice after me!
Suicide Noobs on Friday April 18, 2008
(The Following is an example of sketch comedy and is for entertainment and educational purposes only) I the super-delegate from Scranton PA. Give my endorsement to Dicey for First Place in April 08. Despite the fact that she is an Elitist (like Obama) I am comfortable that she will protect our community. Under her guidance and nurturing, Kdice will not return to the Cabal wars that tore us apart. Ladies and Gentlemen Dicey "Hussien" Girl will not be like Wishbone (Hillary Clinton). Wishbone who will always be sold out to the gun lobby and liquor industries. In summation my friends I ask you this: Who would you rather have with their itchy fingers on the Nuclear Trigger? Diceyobama or Hillarybone? DG for A-08. (rousing applause from the convention floor)
kdice_cutter on Tuesday April 15, 2008
One of coolest dicers. I Only got to play her and her sister "melted cheese" once or twice in July, but it was clear then she was destined to rule all of kdice!
confidential on Tuesday April 15, 2008
Great player! congrats on the top spot
potato27 on Monday April 14, 2008
great player
shiggyman on Friday April 11, 2008
Don't even think of returning, monitor. Btw, hey Dicey!!!
Monitor_Monitor on Friday April 11, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary