Level 65
to level 66


Ryan: shit happens
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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 3:48 PM, Thursday August 13, 2009 EDT by KDICEMOD
Awesome player and contributor to the website

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« First ‹ Previous Reviews 21 - 30 of 71 Next › Last »

try to recognize when someone does something nice for you - that way, people are less inclined to join the vast list of names that are PGEing you
Contador on Wednesday August 25, 2010
Honorable player!! Great guy!
schmack on Thursday July 8, 2010
he`s a funny mod, good humour and fun to play with!
play_mate on Saturday May 29, 2010
Yo i need to talk to you sometime soon. On of those unruly gpokr mods gave me the ban again. jeeze
trendz on Tuesday February 23, 2010
Thraxle's turn eranpeer defended 8v8, 43 to 43, (3,5,6,6,6,6,5,6 to 6,2,6,6,5,6,6,6) +9 dice
"MC" on Friday February 5, 2010
Best thrax quote: I love monkeys in little pink dresses.
Vermont on Thursday January 14, 2010
Best thrax quote: PGAing at KDice is like playing basketball with a quadrapeligic
Tuscony on Friday December 18, 2009
Best thrax quote: PGAing at KDice is like playing basketball with a quadrapeligic
DoubleDogDareYa on Friday December 18, 2009
PGA with moondust!
mrRo on Saturday December 12, 2009
always a pleasure
happytoscrap on Thursday December 10, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary