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2012-10-14 KamiKazi1, the old chat jerk who doesn't accept verbal flags, played against me soon after the game from the next review below. He chatted: "KamiKazi1: i find pie's trolling powers are reduced to 0 once u ignore him, gg." KamiKazi1 doesn't get it. I NEVER chat first to chat jerks whom I recognize--that way I always have the moral high ground. He also wishes I were a troll, but I am not. I am the sheriff stopping the chat jerks from always having their way. I am the garbage man taking out the Kdice garbage (i.e. chat jerks like KamiKazi1). In other words, I am doing my job. KamiKazi1 HATES that anyone would call him what he is: a chat jerk. Tough. If he can dish it out to the whole table, he can learn to take it. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ +++++++ +++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-10-14 KamiKazi1, the old chat jerk who doesn't accept verbal flags, gave me one of my BIGGEST WINS EVER! Thanks, KamiKazi1. Why is it a BIG WIN? Because the last addition to my review of KamiKazi1 was back on 2012- 03-09--AND KAMIKAZI1 STILL CARES ABOUT IT!!! That is EXACTLY the effect I want to have on chat jerks, but one can't always tell if it is working. KamiKazi1 PROVED that he still HATES the review I left for him. Why does he HATE it? Because chat jerks know they are chat jerks but hate for anyone to have the temerity to say they are chat jerks. They HATE that. In today's game, KamiKazi1 will tell you what he did. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. KamiKazi1 is red, I am teal. ++++++++++ KamiKazi1: spent all game suiciding on teal because he leaves gigantic 5,000 line posts on walls ########## [Note: KamiKazi1 spent all game suiciding against me because he HATES being called what he is: a chat jerk. Plus, I ruined HIS game without even trying to! Chat jerks are SO easy to beat.] ---------- KamiKazi1: im glad i ruined his chances ---------- 3.14159: then i WIN! ---------- 3.14159: you didn't ruin anything ---------- KamiKazi1: bye now ---------- Aukie: I was wondering why red was so nice to me ---------- 3.14159: i win--because you CARED ---------- KamiKazi1: enjoy the loss :) ---------- 3.14159: i WON! ---------- 3.14159: BIG! ---------- 3.14159: thanks ---------- KamiKazi1: ha ragequitter ---------- KamiKazi1 has left ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ +++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-03-09 KamiKazi1, the chat jerk who doesn't accept verbal flags, reviewed me: "http://kdice.com/discussion/topics/44811206 ++++++++ This dude is literally wall-o-texting everyone. he needs to chill out before he gets an ulcer" Well, Dear Readers, it is no surprise at all that KamiKazi1 thinks that "literally" means figuratively. Poor undereducated KamiKazi1. If KamiKazi1 can't stand to read what he chats perhaps he shouldn't chat it. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-02-27 KamiKazi1 is a chat jerk and doesn't accept verbal flags (vflags). He changed his review of himself today after I quoted his own words to him during our game. KamiKazi1's review of himself used to include this sentence: "I kill people who verbal flag." Thanks to the benefits of pointing out jerks and calling them jerks, KamiKazi1 has toned down his rhetoric a bit. His review of himself now says: "Its strange.. people tell me they 'flag' me but when i ask them to show the flag they refuse. then they get mad at me when i attack them. they never put up a flag so wtf are they talking about." See? 'Punishing' these bad guys works; they tone it down and become more moderate when they are reminded that they are on the record. That isn't necessary for non-jerks and mature people, but KamiKazi1 and his brethren are further from the norm thus harder to rein in. Chat below is verbatim as always. ++++++++++ BiggieD: lagging skit ---------- jbieber3: flag brown ---------- Abryl: ty ---------- KamiKazi1: hm ---------- Ramos2: flag bieber ---------- KamiKazi1: yellow u fucking pussy' ########## [Note: Chat jerk's like KamiKazi1 need to learn manners. They can make their point without being rude, they just don't know how.] ---------- 3.14159: manners blue ---------- 3.14159: nevermind--blue is an idiot--here is what he says in his own reviews... ---------- 3.14159: I kill people who verbal flag. ---------- jbieber3: lol ---------- 3.14159: blue, if you were any kind of person you would give that warning at the start of each game ---------- KamiKazi1: left the first comment n yellows wall too ---------- KamiKazi1: early verbal flagging newb on yellow ---------- KamiKazi1: verbals before round 5 even ended ---------- KamiKazi1: just another fag ########## [Note: Very common chat jerk and web boy 'insult': "fag."] ---------- 3.14159: play how you want to, but give fair warning or you are a jerk ---------- 3.14159: as you are, blue ---------- 3.14159: q.e.d. ---------- KamiKazi1: verbal flagging <5 is being the fag ########## [Note: Again with the "fag."] ---------- 3.14159: "fag"--how mature of you, blue ---------- KamiKazi1: lol ur arguing with a stranger online and ur bringing in 'maturity' ---------- 3.14159: i am not arguing with you ---------- KamiKazi1: such a stuck up dick ########## [Note: See, Dear Readers? KamiKazi1 has no class.] ---------- KamiKazi1: pretentious asshole ########## [Note: I'm sure that chat jerks like KamiKazi1 feel that pretension is a much worse sin than being a rude jerk. How could they think otherwise? If they did think otherwise they wouldn't be rude jerks.] ---------- 3.14159: i am pointing at you and calling you a chat jerk and web boy ---------- 3.14159: you are a 3%er, blue ---------- 3.14159: you try to make kdice worse for everyone ---------- KamiKazi1: nah ---------- 3.14159: yeah ---------- KamiKazi1: i do my best to stop early verbal newbs in their tracks [Note: No, KamiKazi1 is RUDE first, then the rest of it.] ---------- BiggieD: shut the fuck up 314124324 ########## [Note: The orc speaks! Okay, BiggieD isn't smart enough to be an orc, but you get my point.] ---------- KamiKazi1: duuuur ---------- 3.14159: your best is pitiful, blue ---------- 3.14159: no manners, no class ---------- BiggieD: red did a bad flag ---------- 3.14159: start with that: manners ---------- 3.14159: then "do your best" ---------- KamiKazi1: yo red ---------- KamiKazi1: i flag ---------- KamiKazi1: round 11 non verbal ---------- Ramos2: seriously ---------- KamiKazi1: yep, kill yellow ---------- Ramos2: or fake flag? ---------- jbieber3: yo red i flag ---------- KamiKazi1: mines up ---------- KamiKazi1: wheres ur yellow ---------- Ramos2: ok ---------- KamiKazi1: i see no flag newb. [Note: Pathetic display here by KamiKazi1.] ---------- 3.14159: blue is a weasel and he knows it... ---------- 3.14159: "wheres ur"? really blue? ---------- KamiKazi1: awwww u cant flag can u? ---------- KamiKazi1: if u do flag u'll take 3rd like u are ---------- 3.14159: what a jerk blue is ---------- 3.14159: and he enjoys it ---------- KamiKazi1: instead u veral and ignore the button because u know u are a lower position than u claim to be ---------- 3.14159: and he HATES having me point it out ---------- KamiKazi1: sad. ---------- Ramos2: WAIT SORRRY ---------- Ramos2: bieber flagged ---------- 3.14159: he will REALLY HATE his own words in his review ---------- jbieber3: now you have to attack blue to make up for it ---------- Ramos2: i do respect flagging ---------- KamiKazi1: no he didnt red ---------- KamiKazi1: theres no flag on his name [Note: KamiKazi1 terrible idea that the only flag is a real flag--vflags mean less than nothing. So pathetic of KamiKazi1.] ---------- 3.14159: blue deserves no consideration--he is a 3%er jerk ---------- 3.14159: don't worry about anything HE might say ---------- KamiKazi1: so 3.1, i follow rules so i should be punished? ---------- KamiKazi1: thats... fair? ---------- 3.14159: 97%+ disagree with him ---------- Ramos2: yelllow ---------- Ramos2: do you still flag? ---------- 3.14159: you can be a jerk, blue--but don't whine about it when we point at you and say "jerk" ---------- jbieber3: yes ---------- BiggieD: cry me a river 3.1 ---------- KamiKazi1: btw 3.1 ---------- KamiKazi1: newbs verbal flag then backstab [Note: Backstabbing is relatively rare and is no cause to be a rude jerk like KamiKazi1. I estimate that backstabbing occurs FAR less than 5% of the time. Is that really worth all of KamiKazi1's jerkiness?] ---------- KamiKazi1: and they get away with it cause no flag was put up ---------- 3.14159: you are a jerk--work on that 1st ---------- BiggieD: you are a crybaby ---------- 3.14159: good manners are never wrong, blue ---------- 3.14159: learn that ---------- BiggieD: yes it is [Note: BiggieD is in WAY, WAY over his head. He can barely chat at all.] ---------- BiggieD: ask jesus ---------- do good anyway: good manners are super sexy. ---------- 3.14159: see? ---------- do good anyway: like intelligence... and macaroni. ---------- 3.14159: the voice of authority ---------- do good anyway: lol ---------- [Note: Now starting a new game.] ---------- jbieber3: i flag everyone but kamikazi ---------- 3.14159: do good knows all ---------- KamiKazi1: good manners allowed money changers into the temple ########## [Note: The 'deeper' KamiKazi1 gets the more he embarrasses himself--no surprise.] ---------- do good anyway: i do :D ---------- KamiKazi1: jesus said no to that and threw over the tables ---------- KamiKazi1: didnt even ask them to leave 'politely' ---------- 3.14159: good manners didn't do that, idiot ---------- KamiKazi1: the savior thru them the fuck out ########## ---------- BiggieD: haha ---------- BiggieD: true that [Note: What an orc BiggieD is.] ---------- KamiKazi1: try to use jesus against me, fuck u ########## ---------- do good anyway: aw... you shouldn't use the f word with the word jesus ---------- 3.14159: good manners do NOT mean being a coward or supporting evil--far from it ---------- BiggieD: fuck jesus ########## [Note: BiggieD trying to act big; it is pathetically funny.] ---------- do good anyway: that doesn't seem nice... and i don't even believe jesus wa the savior... ---------- 3.14159: BiggieD! everyone ---------- do good anyway: that's just mean biggie. ---------- do good anyway: and disrespectful to those who do believe... : / ---------- 3.14159: BiggieD is showing off for his 6th grade girlfriend ---------- 3.14159: 'watch me freak them out' he told her ---------- BiggieD: yupp ---------- BiggieD: at least iam fuckin ########## [Note: BiggieD isn't an orc--he is a below average neanderthal.] ---------- do good anyway: i want to play on a 0 table! ---------- do good anyway: hi moos! ---------- 3.14159: 'i am sooooo scandalous i am' says biggied ---------- do good anyway: hi deer!
3.14159 on Sunday October 14, 2012
backstabber! do not trust
Axl Rose Sucks on Monday October 8, 2012
PGA with Marvin 01
AIfons on Thursday September 27, 2012
Figone on Wednesday March 28, 2012
tl;dr Check out 3.14159's reviews tho, its literally nothing but people reposting the wall of text's he puts on other peoples walls. Dude seriously needs to chill out before he gets an ulcer.
KamiKazi1 on Friday March 9, 2012
guy has no clue how this game works, just whines and whines when he doesn't get his way
kcherezov on Wednesday February 8, 2012
agree with all the ppl. Does not respect flags or in the worst case he will just backstab you.
Loser_krez on Monday July 11, 2011
Anal Chlamydia on Saturday June 18, 2011
he doesnt know this game, what a pity :( lol.
dimarzio on Saturday June 11, 2011
dont trust any flags
Oxymoron on Saturday June 11, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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