Level 77
to level 78


"Be wise with your dise."
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This player has been modded by the community

ban lifted +changeAvatar +chat +play +post +re-register -avatar lynnmay 1:57 AM, Wednesday December 5, 2012 EST
another account added to ban because of harassment -changeAvatar -chat -play -post -re-register lynnmay 7:56 PM, Monday November 28, 2011 EST
Apology noted. +changeAvatar +chat +play +post +re-register skrumgaer 12:35 PM, Saturday November 26, 2011 EST
Racist speech in chat. -changeAvatar -chat -play -post -re-register skrumgaer 5:46 PM, Friday November 25, 2011 EST
Chat restored, be careful how you rant. +chat +post MadHat_Sam 12:00 PM, Monday August 16, 2010 EDT
A modicum of respect for people please. -chat -post MadHat_Sam 3:54 PM, Monday August 9, 2010 EDT
5 min up next time It will be your alts as well adn for the rest of the month +chat Rowdyazell 4:05 PM, Friday July 23, 2010 EDT
5 min ban for racial slurs -chat Rowdyazell 4:00 PM, Friday July 23, 2010 EDT
Time served. +changeAvatar +chat +play +post MadHat_Sam 10:06 AM, Monday July 12, 2010 EDT
Take a break for a bit and think about why hate speech is wrong. -avatar MadHat_Sam 2:37 PM, Friday July 9, 2010 EDT
Take a break for a bit and think about why hate speech is wrong. -changeAvatar -chat -play -post MadHat_Sam 2:37 PM, Friday July 9, 2010 EDT
Lifted +play MadHat_Sam 1:26 PM, Thursday July 1, 2010 EDT
PGA's or any intent to help another player prior to a game is entirely unacceptable. Group efforts to boost the points of one player will not be tolerated. trendz, Lanegramata/Kinky Reggae. -play MadHat_Sam 3:50 PM, Tuesday June 29, 2010 EDT
Promised to repent and attend Sunday Mass and ask for the Good Lords forgiveness. +chat +post These cards suck 9:26 PM, Friday April 9, 2010 EDT
Unacceptable Language

Loss of Chat and Post till M

-chat -post These cards suck 4:07 PM, Friday April 9, 2010 EDT
Letting the ban go a week early. Player has Promised to follow the rules and discontinue any pre-game alliances. +play holyharlequin 8:15 PM, Monday March 15, 2010 EDT
There was a miscommunication amongst the mods. My prior ban still stands. One month no play. -play holyharlequin 5:11 AM, Wednesday February 24, 2010 EST
play restored on the promise that this player will adhere to the rules of all games sites from now on. +play mystery man 4:20 PM, Tuesday February 23, 2010 EST
gave back chat and post to allow player to appeal directly to mod that banned him +chat +post Rob S. 9:46 AM, Tuesday February 23, 2010 EST
Obvious pre-game alliance with yougruesomehare during the Monday 500. You will both be banned for a month. -chat -play -post holyharlequin 7:44 PM, Monday February 22, 2010 EST
Act a little more civil with people this year. +changeAvatar +chat +play +post These cards suck 1:14 PM, Friday January 1, 2010 EST
trendz: fuck this site trendz: fuck these nerds trendz: fuck you These cards suck: do it when i'm gone have a little respect please. trendz: fuck ryan cadpilot is here trendz: fuck you bitches who care about points V.V.V: lol trendz: im going out to party V.V.V: lol V.V.V: lol V.V.V: lol trendz: for an hour and a 1/2 Pat Whalen: lol jj ji-jo: omfg Pat Whalen: good plan trendz: im finally freak of you fucking faggots Pat Whalen: come towards the middle SterTrak: another ban... :-) trendz: free also V.V.V: your going out to party with your hand These cards suck: Did you say "Fuck me"? moondust is here V.V.V: i guess ji-jo: pat trendz: make your gay ass smileys ster V.V.V: you're trendz: you fucking noob with 20k running turtle has left trendz: suck my dick ji-jo: i thought i would let you have 1st freely trendz: all of you V.V.V: rofl ji-jo: *wuldnt happytoscrap: me too trendz? ch1c0_3v0: brown do u accept flags? caesar-blue is here SterTrak: i'm playing Kdice 4year ago MikeMike83 is here Pat Whalen: yes sir trendz: this game ruined my life for 3 fucking months... its a worthless addiction -changeAvatar -chat -play -post -avatar These cards suck 9:41 PM, Thursday December 31, 2009 EST
Spoke with player and he now understands that point funneling is against rules. This action will serve as a warning only. +play KDICEMOD 7:16 AM, Thursday December 31, 2009 EST
Received points via funneling from Jily. 7 days -play. -play KDICEMOD 7:18 AM, Wednesday December 30, 2009 EST
Chat returned after cooling off period. Watch the language. +chat Lei 2:52 AM, Monday July 6, 2009 EDT
Muted due to abusive chat trendz is here schmooz10 is here trendz: RAPE john27 is here dr. zoidberg 69: lets go other trendz: RAPE dr. zoidberg 69: 5k trendz: RAPE trendz: RAPE -chat Lei 10:09 AM, Saturday July 4, 2009 EDT

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Mercantile defeated 2v5, 11 to 9, (6,5 to 2,1,3,1,2) Wow. you did that to me.
Mercantile on Tuesday February 22, 2011
181 negative reviews says it all. loser. winning at kdice seems to be high daily high point,.
AssBlaster on Friday February 18, 2011
backstabber. bad, dirty player
donzee on Wednesday February 16, 2011
pga with nodice4u
OgreShaman on Sunday January 16, 2011
PGA with big paul. He takes command of the board, locks his buddy in behind him and makes everyone flag. Then he drops out and you all flag so paula is #1. Pretty lame broskie. Have fun at your fag party with the "hottest bitches in school" Happy new year asshole.
toocool4you20 on Friday December 31, 2010
Helped me with a backstabber.. The idiot loser that wrote the comment below mine
Pezzcola on Thursday December 23, 2010
PGA with Pezzcola, cost me game.
666666666440 on Thursday December 23, 2010
calls me assface after he keeps doing pointless battle vs someone 4 times as small as him stealing dom and not flagging out when battle is over I got 1st though
pyro1990 on Tuesday December 21, 2010
stupid guy ...
SmartJoker on Tuesday December 21, 2010
This guy is #1 asshole on all of K dice...No body can take this title away that's what a total piece of shit of a human being this guy is....How this guy hasn't been banned from K-dice is beyond me. GO FUCK YOUR SELF ASSHOLE
Easy A on Sunday December 19, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary